Construction equipment - Milan
Company - Sewa Snc
SEWA has been on the market since 1992 in the installation of fixtures and with experience, specializing in windows, doors, garage doors, etc.
SEWA has been on the market since 1992 in the installation of fixtures and with experience, specializing in windows, doors, garage doors, etc.
Address : Via Neera, 25/3, 20141 Milano MI, Italy
Postal Code : 20141
Phone : +39028464915
Postal Code : 20141
Construction Companies
Prefabricated Construction
Construction, Door, Plumbing and Plumbing - Agents and Representatives
Excavators and dredgers
Construction - Materials
Marble and other stones - Sale
Moving and Painting
Scaffolding Construction
Accident prevention - accessories and equipment
Parking - Equipment and Facilities