Ultrasound and Radiology - Studies Catania
Company - Dott. Pasquale Iermano
Dott. Pasquale Iermano - Study of ultrasound and echo color Doppler ultrasound that also carries home.
Dott. Pasquale Iermano - Study of ultrasound and echo color Doppler ultrasound that also carries home.
Address : Piazza Europa, 13, 95127 Catania CT, Italy
Postal Code : 95127
Phone : +393381906568
Postal Code : 95127
Obstetricians and Gynecologists - Medical Specialists
Endocrinology and Diabetology - Medical Specialists
Andrology - Doctors Specialists
Local Health Authorities
Surgeries and Consultors
Studies General Practitioners
Radiology, Radiation Therapy and Ultrasound - Medical Specialists
Dietetics and Nutrition - Studies
Internal Medicine - Medical Specialists
Pedagogy - Studies and Centres