Electrical, Civil and Industrial - Installation Rome
Company - Investienergia Srl
Investienergia Srl - company specializing in turnkey photovoltaic systems, renewable energy, civil electrical-industrial, selling electrical equipment retail and wholesale, general maintenance of large buildings.
Investienergia Srl - company specializing in turnkey photovoltaic systems, renewable energy, civil electrical-industrial, selling electrical equipment retail and wholesale, general maintenance of large buildings.
Address : Via di Tor Vergata, 16/B, 00133 Roma RM, Italy
Postal Code : 00133
Phone : +39062000108
Postal Code : 00133
Air conditioning systems - Installation
Construction Companies
Safety Devices and Alarms
Door and Fixtures, Doors, Gates
Plumbing and Termo plumbing
Industrial Maintenance Technology
Thermal and Acoustic Insulation - Installation
Civil and Industrial Electrical Installations - Production
Electricity - Production Company