Construction equipment - San Donato Milanese
Company - D.G. Edilizia Srl
Andrea Campolo Srl - Company specialized construction eighties in the pavement and which also deals with renovations, painting interior and exterior and repair electrical, hydraulic and masonry.
Andrea Campolo Srl - Company specialized construction eighties in the pavement and which also deals with renovations, painting interior and exterior and repair electrical, hydraulic and masonry.
Address : Via Po, 18, 20097 San Donato Milanese MI, Italy
Postal Code : 20097
San Donato Milanese
Phone : +393382012880
Postal Code : 20097
San Donato Milanese
Parking - Equipment and Facilities
Accident prevention - accessories and equipment
Construction, Door, Plumbing and Plumbing - Agents and Representatives
Marble and other stones - Sale
Construction Companies
Prefabricated Construction
Construction - Materials
Scaffolding Construction
Moving and Painting
Excavators and dredgers