Luminaires Catania
Company - S.M.Automazione Sas
SMAutomazione Sas - Company which manufactures industrial automation systems managing all phases of design, installation and servicing of the systems of its customers.
SMAutomazione Sas - Company which manufactures industrial automation systems managing all phases of design, installation and servicing of the systems of its customers.
Address : S.S.121, Km 11,30, 95032 Catania CT, Italy
Postal Code : 95121
Phone : +393207232930
Postal Code : 95121
Closed Circuit Television - Equipment and Facilities
Lamps and Bulbs Medical and Industrial Use
Industrial Electronics
Robotics and Industrial Automation
Bright Signs
Electricity Materials - Detail
Light bulbs and lamps, Electrical and Fluorescent
Sound Amplification
Electricity Materials - Wholesale
Automatism Electrical, Electronic and Tires