Occupational Medicine - Medical Specialists Cagliari
Sicurlav Srl - Company of integrated services in health and safety at work. Deals with vlautazione risk, training workers, first aid training and fire prevention, doctor responsible for medical surveillance, etc.
Address : Via Filippo Figari, 5/2/Y, 09131 Cagliari CA, Italy
Postal Code : 09131
Phone : +39070513356
Postal Code : 09131
Allergy - Medical Specialists
Surgeries and Consultors
Internal Medicine - Medical Specialists
Sports Medicine - Medical Specialists
Cardiology - Medical Specialists
Orthopedics and Traumatology - Medical Specialists
Studies General Practitioners
Otolaryngology - Medical Specialists
Aesthetic Medicine - Medical Specialists
Radiology, Radiation Therapy and Ultrasound - Medical Specialists