Video games, pinball machines - Wholesale and Manufacturing Gricignano di Aversa
Company - Cuore Informatico
Computer heart - Company that deals with wholesale video games, consol, articles of computers, telephones, accessories and spare parts.
Computer heart - Company that deals with wholesale video games, consol, articles of computers, telephones, accessories and spare parts.
Address : Zona Industriale stab.15, , 81030 Gricignano di Aversa CE, Italy
Postal Code : 81030
Gricignano di Aversa
Phone : +390815032379
Postal Code : 81030
Gricignano di Aversa
Salt Games, Bowlings and Billiards
Cups and Trophies - Wholesale and Manufacturing
Video games, pinball machines - Retail and Hire
Toys and Games - Wholesale and Manufacturing
Bicycles - Wholesale and Manufacturing
Festivities - organization and services
Medals and Badges - Wholesale and Manufacturing
Minerals, Fossils and Shells - Collectibles
Games for Gardens and Parks
Videogames and Videotape - Retail and Hire